Ready to transform your Practice?

Is your dental hygiene team feeling burned out? Is it time for a change? With TOSH training, I take your team from exhaustion to excitement, turning them into motivated, knowledgeable healthcare providers who inspire patients to prioritize their oral and systemic health.

An approach that revitalizes your team and your practice.

Periodontal Precision with Microscope Mastery

What I do:

  • Team Calibration: Monthly training sessions align your team, set clear goals, optimize your periodontal workflows, and billing protocols.

  • Solid Systems and Protocols: Establish solid systems and protocols to seamlessly integrate new technologies, ensuring smooth operations from diagnosis to invoicing.

  • Enhanced Patient Care: Empower RDHs with advanced education beyond traditional training, ensuring patient understanding and active participation.

  • Integration of Advanced Technologies: Learn to implement cutting-edge tools like lasers, ozone therapy, guided biofilm therapy, and my specialty microscopy!

  • Enjoy ROI within 3-4 months of the program, sustainable growth, and improved patient retention.

How I do it:

  • Comprehensive Live and On-Demand Sessions: Interactive sessions with detailed on-demand content, providing a balanced mix of real-time interaction and flexible learning.

  • Goal Setting and Achievement: Clear, actionable goals that drive performance and satisfaction.

  • Tailored Periodontal Protocols and Billing: Live sessions cover treatment protocols, coding, and invoicing, ensuring thorough understanding and application.

  • Optimized Workflow and Scheduling: Streamlined processes that enhance efficiency and reduce burnout.

  • Advanced Technology Training: Training with the latest dental technologies, ensuring your team is proficient and confident.

While many practices use this program to transition out-of-network, these methods will significantly improve profitability even within network, and patients love the elevated level of care.

Patient trust and transparency

Enhancing clarity in modern dentistry through technology

Integrating advanced technology into our practice allows us to provide our patients with thorough insights into their current oral health status, ensuring they have a clear understanding and can make informed decisions about their dental care. In today's evolving times, relying solely on traditional methods is no longer sufficient.

Enhance your skills and take your dental practice to the next level

Advancing our education to meet evolving healthcare needs

Specialized training enables clinicians to identify potential risks earlier and implement targeted treatments that surpass traditional methods. This refinement of expertise and abilities ensures precision and effectiveness, leading to better and more predictable treatment outcomes.

I’m dedicated to guiding your team through the complex relationship between the mouth and the body. With my coaching, you will gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to elevate your practice's level of care to unprecedented heights.”
- Tosha

You're not just learning the ‘what’—you’re mastering the ‘how’

TOSH Microscope Training Program Overview

[online training] It's a game-changer for your practice. Imagine providing spot-on diagnoses and being the hero who crafts treatment plans that are just the right fit —better care, happier patients, and a practice that's buzzing with success.

  • Learn how to use a microscope to identify the pathogens that cause oral and systemic disease.

    Training is designed to equip dental professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • Learn how to use a phase contrast microscope

    • Identify the pathogens that cause oral and systemic disease.

    • Effectively diagnose and treat periodontal disease

  • No more jargon-filled monologues.

    With my training, you'll turn complex dental diagnoses into a conversation that your patients will not only understand but appreciate.

    I’ll equip you with a handful of straightforward verbal scripts that will transform the way you discuss infections and treatment plans. When patients can see what you see, understanding blossoms, and their path to better health begins with clarity and confidence.

  • During this training, clinicians will learn:

    • Optimal biofilm sampling techniques

    • Identify the level of biofilm risk present in the sample

    • Understand how their level of risk impacts treatment recommendations and outcomes.

    • Become proficient in identifying various cell shapes (i.e. skin cells, cocci, spinning rods, gliding rods, spirochetes, yeast, white and red blood cells, amoeba, and trichomonads)

    • Make more informed diagnoses and treatment plans for their patients.

  • Testing for microbial complexes in a patient's oral microbiome turns the tables on guesswork.

    Working together, phase contrast microscope and salivary diagnostics allows clinicians to identify early indicators of oral health issues.

    By pinpointing the exact bacterial culprits, clinicians can craft targeted treatments with precision.

    This approach not only enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of treatments but also paves the way for long-term oral health. It's about giving each patient a bespoke plan against bacteria, ensuring their oral health.

I bring the future of dental care to your practice by implementing cutting-edge microscopic techniques. Enabling your team to diagnose and treat periodontal disease in its budding stages, ensuring targeted and effective interventions.
- Tosha